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Walder Frey Wiki of Westeros Fandom

house frey

Alongside the keeps of their vassals of Houses Erenford and Charlton, the Twins is the northernmost castle in the Riverlands. A trueborn daughter of Lord Walder's, first seen when Catelyn negotiated with her father in Season 1, and later seen again at Edmure's wedding where her father presents her to Robb. The youngest of Lord Walder's legitimate daughters, and his youngest child yet identified. Presented to Robb as one of the Frey girls he could have married, she is nine years old in Season 3 and as such, yet unflowered. The Frey betrayed Robb for many reasons, but the primary reason was that they believed he had lost already. When Robb killed Lord Rickard Karstark, the Karstarks abandoned his cause, and with Tywin Lannister’s victory over Stannis Baratheon, everyone realized the Starks had lost.

house frey


Will she bring the blizzard all the way down to King’s Landing, as she tells the Lannister soldiers in this episode? Will she decide that it’s time for a proper family reunion, and instead head north toward her siblings at Winterfell? Only six more episodes this year and twelve installments overall left to find out. Red Wedding retribution was already on the menu last season, as Lord Walder Frey (David Bradley) suffered an unglamorous and lonely death at the hands of Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) in the season six finale. As part of the Frey-Lannister alliance, she's married to Lancel Lannister and becomes Lady of Darry due to her mother's claim. Eldest son of Stevron Frey and his first wife Corenna Swann and new heir to the Twins after his father died, until his own death.

11 Game Of Thrones Characters Who Can Return In The Dunk & Egg Spinoff - Screen Rant

11 Game Of Thrones Characters Who Can Return In The Dunk & Egg Spinoff.

Posted: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Ryger Rivers

Seeing Ryman's incompetence, he sends him back to the Twins, giving command to Ryman's eldest son Edwyn Frey. He then persuades Edmure to make Brynden surrender Riverrun, threatening to destroy the castle and Edmure's unborn child. However Brynden escapes by swimming under a gate, infuriating Emmon, the new Lord of Riverrun. Jaime then hears from Edwyn that Ryman was hanged within a day's ride of the Twins along with the three Knights and 12 men-at-arms accompanying him.

Lord Walder's sons

The first is Lord Wyman Manderly of White Harbor, the head of a great Northern house who lost a son during the Red Wedding. He’s since played a politically clean game with the Lannisters, Boltons and Freys, cooking up revenge in secret — literally cooking, too, as he has members of House Frey killed, baked into pies, and served up as delicious pastries to their unknowing relatives. Firstborn son of Lord Walder Frey and his first wife Perra Royce and heir to the twins. He is the full brother of Emmon, Aenys, and Perriane, who is married to Ser Leslyn Haigh with three sons Harys (the father of Walder Haigh), Donnel, and Alyn. In A Clash of Kings, Robb Stark, the King in the North, wins their swords and loyalty by promising to wed a Frey maiden of his choosing.

On the journey to the capital, the group gets ambushed, and Ser Cleos Frey gets killed. When Robb marries Jeyne Westerling, the Freys get outraged, and the alliance breaks. When Lord Hoster Tully dies, Lothar Frey, also known as Lame Lothar, and Bastard Walder travel to Riverrun and state the term for an alliance is for Edmure to marry Roslin Frey, one of Walder’s daughters. After Aegon's conquering of the Westeros, House Frey then swore fealty to their new overlords of the Riverlands, House Tully. The current head, Walder Frey, had greatly increase the size of his family, taking several wives and getting all of them with many children, so that he has hundreds of relatives and no one is sure who his lordship will pass to when he dies. Many of his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren fight amongst themselves and half of them are named Walder so as to please him.

This is a listing of members of House Frey that appear in A Song of Ice and Fire.

The interior comprises walls covered in warm wood panelling, pale carpeted floors and touches of stonework provided by the chimney. Mid-century designs by Charles and Ray Eames and George Nelson complement the aesthetic. The owner, who purchased the house in the 1970s, spent the last two years working on the renovation to make the property as close to the original design as possible.

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Their members tend to have a weaselly appearance and their sigil is two towers. Strangely for a house with such a major role in the plot, their words have not been revealed, even through Word of God, though it is implied in the HBO Series their words are "We Stand Together". Upon learning of the King in the North’s intention to cross the river in the Twins, Lord Walder Frey of House Frey makes a marriage alliance with Robb to marry one of his daughters. Because of its strategic location at the Twins, House Frey became one of the wealthiest in the Riverlands. Its seat of power spanned from the northern Green Fork to the Trident.

Frey soldiers often wear punched leather chestpieces, with headgear that usually consists of a leather coif and/or a bowl-shaped skullcap. The Frey army joined other armies of the North after the end of the Siege of Moat Cailin. Walda Frey, Roose's wife, took residence in Winterfell, along with her brother Little Walder Frey and her half-cousin Big Walder Frey, both boys serving as Ramsay Bolton's squires. When Stannis Baratheon is defeated at the Blackwater by Tywin Lannister and Mace Tyrell, the Freys at Harrenhal with Roose Bolton fear Robb will lose the war and try to find a way out. Later they receive news that Robb has broken the marriage pact, marrying Jeyne Westerling to protect her honor after taking her virginity. Olyvar Frey wishes to remain with Robb, but is forced to leave by his kin.

The Red Wedding

Roose takes a Frey force under two of Walder Frey's sons, Ser Aenys Frey and Ser Hosteen Frey, to the north to help him take control. The current Head of House Frey is Walder Frey who at the beginning of the series is 89, and has been married seven times. For his 90th nameday Walder Frey takes his eighth wife, Joyeuse Erenford, who is over 70 years younger then him. Many of the Freys share the weaselly appearance of their common ancestor Walder Frey. According to Merrett Frey, it will not be long until Lord Walder dies, and when it will happen it will be every other Frey for himself.

This irritates Jaime, who informs Walder that the Lannisters would not help him if he failed to keep order in the Riverlands. Later, as Walder is eating, he is assassinated by Arya Stark, who kills him in revenge for her brother's and mother's deaths at the Red Wedding . Married to Jeyne Darry, sister of Mariya, his half-uncle Merrett's wife, with whom he has two sons, Tywin and Willem. He's fighting for House Lannister at the start of the War of the Five Kings.

It got created after a Frey man was awarded Lord status and given lands in the Riverlands. Upon becoming a noble, the Frey Lord began constructing a bridge connecting the Green Fork to the Trident. The work was so massive that it got completed during the Lord’s grandson’s time. After its completion, the grandson added wooden keeps on each side of the river.

Upon arresting Tyrion, the Frey men travel to the Twins and deliver the news to Lord Walder Frey. When Lord Tywin Lannister begins raiding in the Riverlands, Walder delays sending troops after his liege lord calls him to war. After Robert rebelled against the throne, Lord Hoster Tully called his banners to aid the war effort. Walder Rivers gets sent to judge Chett, and he gets sent to the Wall. House Frey was founded about 600 years before A Song of Ice and Fire.

The tenth son of Lord Walder Frey, he is the fifth son born Lord Walder Frey's marriage to Amarei Crakehall. He married Carolei Waynwood and had two children, Sandor and Cynthea Frey. Sixth son of Lord Walder Frey and first son born to his third wife Amarei Crakehall.

He is full brother to Arwyn, Wendel, Colmar, Waltyr, and Shirei. He married to Sylwa Paege, with children Hoster and Merianne "Merry". As part of the agreement made with Robb's forces by Catelyn, he became Robb's squire. The bastard son of Walder Frey, probably his oldest baseborn child due to his apparent age. The Game of Thrones section of Book Analysis analyzes and explores the Game of Thrones series. The content on Book Analysis was created by Game of Thrones fans, with the aim of providing a thorough in-depth analysis and commentary to complement and provide an additional perspective to the incredible world George R.R. Martin created in his books.

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